Storm Damage in Ferndale
by, Ernest Truant

Over the past few days high winds and storms have caused fallen trees, fallen electrical wires, power outages and damage caused by blown objects all around the City.  We hope to connect with the Fire Department on Monday to learn the extent of the damage, but in the meantime check out these reader pictures from Ido Meron and Steven Pattison.  Ido's neighbor on W. Troy had their car crushed by a giant tree that fell across the yard and driveway.  Steven found this wire damage at the corner of Brickley and Huron a day before the short, but powerful storm that knocked down the tree on W. Troy.

If you would like your storm damage photo added to the collection, please email us at  Include location and photo credit, and any additional information you might have.

Also, never approach downed power lines.  Obviously they can burn.